Monday 3 April 2017

Behold, I am making all things new...

There is always the one in bare feet, with light streaming in on them, warming... exposed to the elements... open, bare, transparent... while others remain safe and warm in winter boots, only expecting the enjoyable parts of the next season to arrive, or perhaps worse... hoping this season will never change, with the knowledge that they always do.

We know for the beauty of a season to be breathed into life, other elements must also be present. For every new leaf, the shedding of  a hard protective shell... for every flower in bloom, the violence of a storm... 

We become accustomed to what has always been... all of us. But there is the One who whispers us forward, "behold, I am making all things new." No system, no institution, nothing we can do, or have done, will remain. 

... where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away... for we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears... faith, hope and love...these three remain.

Seasons are in part. Winter cannot be Summer nor Fall be Spring. We operate in part. 

When the next season arrives, we must be prepared, open and willing to know how to receive. Receive, not manufacture... for it is not us making all things new. Receive, as God walks the path before us, and beckons us with the ways he has gifted, to join where He has prepared the work He will complete in and through us, with Him. With eyes wide open, we must anticipate, embrace its arrival, and dress accordingly to move where He will carry us next.

This does not mean our feet no longer walk the land, as gravity in the Word roots our earthly shells to the ground, reminding us of our call... It simply means we operate in part, each of us. Some in rubber boots, others with feet bare... bearing each what He has gifted us in for this season. 

Father help us to dress according to the seasons. As you make all things new, let us know it is a newness that first begins within, and spreads like wild fire to bring about life through the storm and as it passes. Give us your eyes to see as you do, and allow us to do nothing that will not remain. Give us the faith of things not yet seen, hope that endures any storm, and bathe us in a love that permeates every temporal part we need to walk through. We long to be complete, as we are in you already outside of this space,and this time. Amen.

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