Sunday 27 November 2016

Light in darkness... knowledge's breadth becomes wisdom. 
Corners curve, and the march becomes a dance. 
A slow, following of grace filled steps.
Where there one was concrete, a new softer landing. 

Difficult to describe language spoken from child to Father, 
vision to spirit. 

Darkness is made for light. 
To seek and be known. 
Assurance sleeps
hidden in the shadows of the cross.
Third day conceived,
light invades the empty grave
finds every dark curve, 
no longer travelling in lines but as water fills 
a basin, a river, the ocean...
you know you are now known.

To think you were ever hidden to your maker is a lie. 
Nothing is hidden before Him.
this is assurance 
when you understand He alone is 

When light blinds that which was once lost, 
freedom releases that which once was captive,
and knowledge is now foolishness to the wise...

Friday 25 November 2016

Dare to ask...

Knowing a relationship is hindered because of self can be discouraging. I began to pray in a new way a few months ago, knowing my heart for God couldn't shift without Him doing a work in me. And now, for the first time in my life, I kneel, arms raised, eyes closed because I am blinded by the light God has poured into me. It has been both freeing and terrifying. Not being hidden, willing to look and see what has been, that can no longer be. "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ..."  Being taken apart to be put back together. Revelation after revelation of foundations you thought you already knew... but now in being known, knowing. 

God so much wiser than we could ever fathom. 

If you are serious about being changed... if you are serious about letting all else go, unhindered surrender, may I suggest this prayer. Proceed with caution, because if it is your time, in Gods time He will search you, and show you anything within you that is offensive to Him... Quite possibly turning your world upside right... making all things new, as He is the business of doing.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

What do you want me to do for you? - Jesus

Jesus asked him, "What do you want me to do for you?"  (Luke 18:41)

As I reflect on what this means for us today, I am struck by both the simplicity and fathomless longing this question holds.

Take into consideration, Jesus asks what we would like him to do for us. He does not follow this question up with How we would like Him to do it.

He also makes it clear that it is a personal question. Toe to toe, face to face with the Son of God. It is you and Him.

Do you know your hearts true longing? Are you willing to ask for the "what" with no control of the "how"? One with great faith would know better not to answer this question... and yet today He asks us, What do you want me to do for you?

What He brings and how He brings it about could bring a great amount of suffering. It could force you to place your feet on the fathers, wrapping your arms around His strong legs, clinging to all of him for your life, your family, your sanity. Him covering your eyes when the world becomes too much around you, and him holding your sobbing body when reality has set in.

What do you want me to do for you?

Know that if He has asked you the question, He will also give the answer. Our hearts longing is so hidden in the depth of our being that to uncover it would take a lifetime. He asks the question, and knows the answer before you have even considered it.

Today, when He asks you, What do you want me to do for you, wait for His answer. He made you, He knows what you need far more than you do. Then ask, step on to his feet, hold on to his legs and be carried by the one that has opened the eyes of a blind man. Hold on to the creator of miracles.

He knows you on the other side of your "what".