Thursday 22 December 2016

Can He be Trusted?

"Why do you trust me so much, when I trust you so little?"

This is a question I asked our Father recently. His answer, as they always do spoke to affirm and encourage me, and brought me to my knees.

In asking if God can be trusted, you must first point the finger back at self. You need to take stock, let the Spirit search you out, and speak.

Henri Nouwen in His book Can you drink the Cup said that "a life that is not reflected upon isnt worth living... half of living is reflecting on what is being lived."

So lets reflect.

Has God earned my trust?  Have I earned His? Can I be trusted? Is my trust worth earning? Does He trust me? Is earning my trust worth it to Him?

This first question cuts to the heart of hearts within one self. It exposes false beliefs and selfish motive. You can always recognise someone that asks this question. The person that cannot trust, must control. They must hold tightly to what is not theirs to hold onto. They demand respect, and use their authority poorly on those that follow.

This first question forgets that God is God and man is man. That man comes to this earth with empty hands and leaves the same way. That all things live and breath and have their being through their maker.

This question extends beyond the reach of your skin, beyond your home, your friends, your community. It is a question that spans all of humanity. It is bigger than you.

The correct question, even when there are never any wrong questions to ask is should I have been trusted? Can I be trusted? The answer to that question is simple in a fallen world. In a world where children die from starvation with parents that have sold them into slavery. In a world where we watch television in our warm homes to be entertained while a mother of 6 has just finished a two day journey to retrieve disease ridden water for her family.

Can we be trusted? Can humanity be trusted? No. I would say we are doing a pretty lousy job of caring for all of what God has trusted us with... and yet He continues to trust.

Definition of trust: the most innocent, beautiful being... a baby placed into the darkness of a young ladies womb. Heavens pride and glory wrapped in dirty clothes placed in a feeding trough where animals live. Perfection given a name, given skin and bones, being confined in human form, to bring freedom.

Does God trust us? Strangely enough He does. Sent to us as a baby, God had us care for His own son. This might be like me entrusting an ant to look after one of my children. It does not make human sense. Do I trust an ant?

Father, why do you trust us so much, when we trust you so little? Gods answer, His joy filled, tear stained eyes answer to us, as believers and His children:

"I trust you because I have seen you on the other side."

He trusts us because He knows the story from beginning to the end. The love of the father for his perfect bride expands beyond the temporary, the here and now.

Can He be trusted? More than any other thing given or known. He can.

Can we be trusted? Ask this question to the tiny figure laying in a feeding tough, covered in humanity, quivering lips, unfocused eyes. Can I be trusted? and looking into His endless loving eyes, smelling the newborness of eternity, a whisper from Heaven will bring you to your knees and give you your hearts greatest calling.

Friday 2 December 2016

from Isolation to Love

Isolation is a lie. It is a choice, the beginning of personal punishment, the mouth of a cave filled with torment and fear... waiting to swallow you whole, with no intention of release.

The lie isolates. It whispers that we are alone in our sin, alone in our torment and do not deserve to have others enter with us into our dark places; it speaks words of damnation to keep us ruined at the bottom of a pit where he hurls our worst belief systems at us.

If isolation is a choice. What is the alternative?

My default is isolation. If you looked closely at your own life, you might unearth the same dark truth. Is this true because it is easier? Because we fear being known? Because we are unaware that others might want to know our stuff, share in our stuff, and want to share theirs? Might it be part of this sin stuff that covers us here on earth?

Isolation does not trust, it fears, it hides, it destroys.

On the side that brings hope, gives light, extends grace, and covers a multitude of sins is Love. In all that isolation kills, Love breaths back to life. In all that isolation steals, Love willingly surrenders back. In all that isolation puts down, Love builds up. Isolation demands, Love invites. Isolation pushes, Love holds hands and walks beside.  Insert Jesus where love is.... and carry on.

How can Love become our default? In failure, in sin, in hidden places... to allow oneself to be loved, and not to isolate.

Trust. Whom? Ask. Why? Because the alternative is death. Spiritual, emotional, and eventually physical death. Many of you have walked that path already, as have I.

You will always be given the opportunity to isolate. Right now, a few minutes from now, tonight, tomorrow, next year...

Dare you choose to be loved? and love?

Thursday 1 December 2016

I am not my own...

There is a place within you that dwells the most sacred place on earth. It is kept for that moment when you say yes to all that God is and no to all that is not. It is sacred - like walking into a church with high ceilings, stained glass windows and the smell of old pews.

It resides deep within you. At one time, guarded by two huge angels. They stood guard so that nothing unwanted, dirty, tainted or mangled would go in. Wings sprawled out before and around guarding... day and night with no regard of whom intruded... no tolerance for what should not be. Posted by their maker.

This is the place you retreat to for safety, refuge, healing hurt, to be fully and completely loved. To be known - to be shown who you are, and know you have been made new.

You enter, and this sacred place ends at you - and begins in Him. You are immediately held, loved, and asked to stay longer than you ever feel you deserve to, or are ever able to.

Once you were not able to darken this rooms door, but now with bloodstained wooden doorposts, the dwelling of God the Father has now entered. He lives in this place, with you. Gods desire to be here with you was so strong He gave everything... the blood on the posts is His own. A long terrifying sacrifice made to encompass eternity in one moment... now the sacred living, dwelling in one human being.

This is the place He waits for you. The door always open, the room set with the finest of things you need to enjoy this life on earth. A setting where you feed on needs you have been desperate to fill from the day you were born.

Do you not know that you are the temple for the one and only Holy God? You are not your own.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Light in darkness... knowledge's breadth becomes wisdom. 
Corners curve, and the march becomes a dance. 
A slow, following of grace filled steps.
Where there one was concrete, a new softer landing. 

Difficult to describe language spoken from child to Father, 
vision to spirit. 

Darkness is made for light. 
To seek and be known. 
Assurance sleeps
hidden in the shadows of the cross.
Third day conceived,
light invades the empty grave
finds every dark curve, 
no longer travelling in lines but as water fills 
a basin, a river, the ocean...
you know you are now known.

To think you were ever hidden to your maker is a lie. 
Nothing is hidden before Him.
this is assurance 
when you understand He alone is 

When light blinds that which was once lost, 
freedom releases that which once was captive,
and knowledge is now foolishness to the wise...

Friday 25 November 2016

Dare to ask...

Knowing a relationship is hindered because of self can be discouraging. I began to pray in a new way a few months ago, knowing my heart for God couldn't shift without Him doing a work in me. And now, for the first time in my life, I kneel, arms raised, eyes closed because I am blinded by the light God has poured into me. It has been both freeing and terrifying. Not being hidden, willing to look and see what has been, that can no longer be. "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ..."  Being taken apart to be put back together. Revelation after revelation of foundations you thought you already knew... but now in being known, knowing. 

God so much wiser than we could ever fathom. 

If you are serious about being changed... if you are serious about letting all else go, unhindered surrender, may I suggest this prayer. Proceed with caution, because if it is your time, in Gods time He will search you, and show you anything within you that is offensive to Him... Quite possibly turning your world upside right... making all things new, as He is the business of doing.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

What do you want me to do for you? - Jesus

Jesus asked him, "What do you want me to do for you?"  (Luke 18:41)

As I reflect on what this means for us today, I am struck by both the simplicity and fathomless longing this question holds.

Take into consideration, Jesus asks what we would like him to do for us. He does not follow this question up with How we would like Him to do it.

He also makes it clear that it is a personal question. Toe to toe, face to face with the Son of God. It is you and Him.

Do you know your hearts true longing? Are you willing to ask for the "what" with no control of the "how"? One with great faith would know better not to answer this question... and yet today He asks us, What do you want me to do for you?

What He brings and how He brings it about could bring a great amount of suffering. It could force you to place your feet on the fathers, wrapping your arms around His strong legs, clinging to all of him for your life, your family, your sanity. Him covering your eyes when the world becomes too much around you, and him holding your sobbing body when reality has set in.

What do you want me to do for you?

Know that if He has asked you the question, He will also give the answer. Our hearts longing is so hidden in the depth of our being that to uncover it would take a lifetime. He asks the question, and knows the answer before you have even considered it.

Today, when He asks you, What do you want me to do for you, wait for His answer. He made you, He knows what you need far more than you do. Then ask, step on to his feet, hold on to his legs and be carried by the one that has opened the eyes of a blind man. Hold on to the creator of miracles.

He knows you on the other side of your "what".

Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Testimony of Upper Canada YFC

I was born out of a Prescott Kids Choir practice. As the kids sang, my attention was brought to the faces of the youth in the back row. Youth that knew of the Christ, but didn’t necessarily know the Christ. Like a sweet song from Heaven the word Hope was given. Hope. He spoke so clearly, “For I know the plans I have for you,” (declares the Lord) “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Did they know there was a God who not only loves and has saved them, but a God who wants to bless them, not harm them… A God that desires to gives them the best … not the easiest or the most common, but the best life, this side of heaven? And how could I show them what that looked like?

My Christmas present that year was a resurrecting of the old me in a new and younger body.  While writing a prayer email, and a beautiful shaping took place of what I would look like. A glimpse of the someday, and what could be  Hope for the future…

This is what I saw:

I stood beside the church, just inside her shadow, as the Father illuminated his bride, His affection, the desire of His hearts heart.. she, (his church) shone with the radiance of the sun. Jesus held her hand. And there, in the shadows we were, servants inviting and welcoming youth toward the Bride; we were always pointing up, never drawing attention to self, staying tucked in, beside, just inside her shadow.

John the Baptist understood this well when he told his followers:

“It is the bridegroom (who is Jesus) who marries the bride (who is the church), and the bridegroom’s friend is simply glad to stand with him and hear his vows. Therefore, I am filled with joy at his success.  He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” John 3:29-30

The focus must always be on the Bride and Groom. This is eternal, and we know only what is eternal will survive in the end. YFC will mould into the Bride, becoming less and less… the bride and groom will remain.
And so I, Upper Canada YFC began…
God set out to show me a church youth group, the chosen group where He would begin. Together we found one… this church let me hang out and teach the leadership team during VBS. St Johns Anglican was her name, and her heart beat in rhythm with the Fathers for youth and families in the Prescott Community. He then introduced me to another part of His bride… a livelier part, and her name was Seaway. Seaway also joined in serving.  We were made up of two very different parts of the same cherished bride. And God’s pleasure was on us as he lead us by the hand inviting, teaching, illuminating, and redeeming lives as only He can.

We could go on about How God has used Upper Canada YFC to be glorified, but you have newsletters, and a quote book on your tables that does this as well. When you read through all that God has done, I would ask that you rejoice in A God that includes us, his children, His bride in the work that he has begun…
On this table we have three things that represent what we would call core values of Upper Canada YFC…

1. A pitcher and basin:  Serving

In contrast with modern culture, Upper Canada YFC has been called to serve… and specifically serve the local church. When Jesus washed the feet of the disciples on their last night together, He didn’t say, “lets partner in death and resurrection” He became a servant, sacrificed and gave of himself fully in order that We would be fully redeemed and brought back into a right relationship with the Father. Rural churches are quickly becoming extinct, and partnering with them is not always an option. We cannot ask for what they do not have. No more than Christ could not ask of us for what we do not have. It is our desire to serve the local church. And if we are doing what we have been called to do, as a servant we will prop up His bride stay in Her shadow, and go unnoticed. I am aware that this is not popular practice, but it is pure and simple Biblical servanthood. As we honour and serve His bride, we are blessed.

2. Communion: Remembering

Bread and Wine, representing the body and the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ that was poured out for the complete payment of all of humanities wrongdoing for all of time. In a world that is quickly forgetting the difference between right and wrong, a sober reminder of God’s sacrifice is needed. It is also something that every Bible believing church practices… Bringing unity by honouring the one that we all call our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. As we are unified through communion, the story of Salvation will continue to be heard, and not forgotten.

3. Bible: living and teaching

The living, breathing word of God. Teaching youth the word of God. Need I say more? Timeless wisdom can be found in these pages, not to mention the Holy Spirits ability to woo us putting God and us in our rightful place in Eternity. We live and teach youth the word of God because it is the only truth that will last when all else is gone.

Through the personalization of YFC, you have seen how we began, in the newsletter and quote book, you can see what we do… and what about the future of Youth for Christ?

We have always said that Upper Canada YFC starts and ends with the local church. Begins with serving and working with, and ends with bums in pews, lives in active church community. What does this look like?

About a month ago YFC was in Athens and met with a group made up of believers and local pastors. They asked why we were there, I said we were invited. They asked what YFC’s plan for Athens was, and we said it depended on what their plan was. Athens, the little village of Athens, has two very successful, very active youth groups. But the people that I met with knew that the groups they were ministering to were only a small percentage of what could be. In looking at what works in their community, hiring within that community, and having programs run by the people that know their community best, the success of more youth coming to Christ will become a reality. We have been doing international missions like this for years, why do we not do the same thing in our own back yards?

The example of what is happening in Athens is a very tangible example of where the future is at with Upper Canada YFC. It is our hope to have a YFC plant beside every community with active churches in the Upper Canada region. This area is the same as the Upper Canada district School board region. We would love to begin, manage, and gift back to each community a YFC.


Wednesday 12 October 2016

Fear - Faith

Fear: the lie

Like waves it had almost consumed. At first I was not ready. As it billowed, and rolled, I allowed it to carry me into the undertow, almost to the point of retreat... a gasping for air, choking on lies and spitting up truth I had been clinging so tightly to. A sort of terrifying mental take over, with no forethought. Undercurrent: self.

Fear: the reality

...and then, in a moment of thin silence where time slows, and movement breathes fresh waters of grace, I am reminded of the break point... the overwhelmed place where terror and relief roll over into the oceans exhale... Every wave has its shore, and it is the creator that has made it so.

Fear: the who

Who has made the wave, the breaking point, and it's shore? Who gives me this need to trust the call into deeper waters and abandoned my place in the warm sun on the beach? Who reminds me that the waves and wind still know his name?

Faith: the truth

When you walk through the woods do you feel the earths warmth on a Fall afternoon, or allow needles fallen to tickle under foot? Do you marvel at the works of your own hands, in this fallen place? Trees of every colour, waters beyond the minds eye, and hold the mountains in the palm of your hand? Do you light up the oceans floor with your glory and create new galaxies at the edge of time?

Faith: the reality

And who am I that you would consider this heart your dwelling place? Cleaning out all brokenness, fear, and lighting what is left with your truth? Who am I that you saw my unformed body, breathed it into life, and placed your son on a cross to buy me back from my former master? Who changes my thoughts, renews my person and reminds me of who I am; which in turn is only in you.

Faith: the who

You who loved, we who failed. You who is constant, us who run. You who love, us who know no such word without you. You, wrapped in flesh and blood, us who killed, who kill. You risen, us brought back. You who love, you who show us how to love. You who chase, you who won. As it was, and will be... Amen

From fear to faith. A passing through the flame with no singeing along the edge, and you have made it so. The mystery, three in one... Father Son, and Holy Ghost. Praise be to God.

When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.

Is. 43:2

Tuesday 4 October 2016

A repost...

In the beginning she looked as any young lady would in a youth group. Shoulder length curly hair, the innocent smile, a gentle quiet spirit.

Man looks at the outside, but God looks at the heart.

"Do you think I could get baptized here?" as the question hit at a public time, and in a fleeting moment this sinners heart passed over the beauty and wondered how long she would actually keep her feet wet in the youth group... let alone be baptized. Wait a bit, she needs to hear, she needs to know before such commitments can be made.

God looks at the heart, and man asks.

She stayed. She partook. She asked questions and gave answers no one else held. Her eyes quietly fixed in wonders only the fathers hand could point to. This sinner asked to see more... a reflection of Jesus, a turn from the wrong, a moment to catch the breath. This child asks, and her Heavenly father always answers.

Man asks God, God gives revelation.

"Are you still wanting to be baptized? I could do that with you at the river this summer if its something you..." and before the sentence was out, she was in... I had but a moment to hold the tears, a moment to cherish it in my heart, a moment to allow my heavenly father to gently place his index finger over my lips and hush the startled cry in me.

God gives revelation, in a burst of fresh air man must respond.

In an intrusion of questions weather or not this sinner was qualified... whether this sinner was worthy, whether there needed to be more, more done, more given, more earned... and yet grace softly blankets my dry heart anew every morning. 

In a burst of fresh air man must respond, and God smiles.

In the river, on a sunny day in August, all of Heaven celebrated to welcome a newborn into the family of God.

As the Holy Spirit moves in, regeneration of the mind, body and Spirit take place. Having Living God dwell in the midst, so closely, searching, guiding, changing. Through His word, the powerful saving work of the cross, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, every human being made alive by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is made new... leaving darkness, entering His light.

Father God, continue the work you have begun in this young lady. Pour your truth, like fresh rain over into and through her. Thank you for choosing her, for loving her, for saving her. Help us, your children to walk with her and teach her your ways. Let your life, light and truth shine through her so that people see you... May you continue to be glorified through her life, into eternity. Amen

Friday 30 September 2016

If Jesus is the answer, what is the question?

I hear mainstream Christians using the saying, "all they need is Jesus"... or "Jesus is the answer" far too often.  I'm not sure this is a helpful sentence to say to someone who has never heard of Jesus, let alone picked up a Bible to read about him...

It is the most truest of all statements ever to be made, sadly, to some the most irrelevant.

Jesus is no more relevant to people that don't know Him than you or I are... but maybe that's the point...

As light dispels the spirit of despair, and truth disinfects the wounds of a close friend so is the name of Jesus, the Christ, the living God.

"My boyfriend, the father of my child, the man whom I have spent the last 14 years of my life with is cheating on me"... Jesus is the answer.

"I have no food, no heat, and am being kicked out in a week... "... Jesus is the answer.

"My baby boy and husband were just killed in a car accident, I am so alone, I don't know what I am going to do"... Jesus is the answer

"I have stage 4 cancer"... Jesus is the answer.

Although true, cold is the human being that states this to a fellow human without Jesus, with such suffering... suffering... and why is Jesus relevant in our suffering? Why is the human condition showered with suffering?

"You see, they didn't understand. It wasn't the nails that kept Jesus there. It was love. "Papa?" Jesus cried, frantically searching the sky. "Papa? where are you? Don't leave me!" And for the first time - and the last - when He spoke, nothing happened. Just a horrible, endless silence. God didn't answer. He turned away from his boy. Tears rolled down Jesus' face. The face of the one who would wipe away every tear from every eye." (the Jesus Storybook)

Suffering: Jesus is the answer because He suffered separation from the Father, from God for us. Are we not to share in one another's sufferings? How could I live not knowing God? His love, His plan, the acceptance, significance, and security He holds for me...eternally. Not knowing God is not separation from Him, and yet their separation is not knowing Him. We are to walk through dark places with others and introduce them to the one that has already suffered all there is to suffer for them. Are we not to offer up glimpses of blinding light in dark places? Offer salt to unseasoned conversation, or on wounds that no longer hurt?

Jesus is the answer... but let us first hear the heart of why. There need not be arguing, God can defend himself. There need not be an exchange of intellect, although this can be entertaining. When you listen through the ears of the man that has suffered all things, when you walk amongst the dead, amongst the wounded, and see the carnage of this sick place we live in, it is impossible not to offer hope. Wisdom is known when it is heard. It is either life or death to those that want it.

Offer life with Christ Jesus. Offer it. Don't serve it up with a plate piled so high they have forgotten what they will be digesting, or with so many sides they have forgotten what it tastes like to be wanted, loved, known, open and full of Him.

Simple and pure, strait up not shaken or stirred.

Jesus IS the answer... be sure you've asked the right question.

Sunday 4 September 2016

Back to School Prayer...

Little hands hold mine, little feet with new little shoes, and little minds focused on the next shiny thing that passes before their little eyes.
I Pray...
Holding every precious piece of them from birth until this moment, a sacred ungluing of the heart, a release, for them to be carried in the Fathers hands, Fathers heart into a whole new world. A place I will not be part of. A place where they will discover, learn, unlearn, experience life beyond this home.
I Pray...
Fighting the urge to keep them close one more day, one more snuggle, one more life giving hug...
I Pray...
for minds that know the truth of who God is, and who they are.
for hearts that feel Holy Spirits presence, love, grace for self and others.
for lips to be bold in proclaiming Jesus Christ our Lord.
for wisdom flowing from the throne room of the Father into the lives of those that lead the minds of the future. For mercy, for patience, for Love that has a name, and has covered a multitude of sin.
for the protection of innocence, from evil, untruth, from the powers and principalities that desire to pervert, steal, kill and destroy that of which God has made to be good, beautiful, light and all that has been, will be, and is being redeemed.
Holy Spirit as a rushing wind filling the void in every hallway, before, beside and behind every child searching for a life made to worship their creator, our God, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
For You, Jesus to be known in every part of this, your world. A beautiful reclaiming of the sacred.
I Pray for the mom, the dad, grandmother, grandfather and guardian to fill this new void with you. To place anxiety, fear, worry, and loneliness at the feet of Jesus. To rest, be renewed, and fill every moment with the awareness of your presence in their lives. To trust a good good Father. To believe the words they read in your word, and the song they sing with their lips in their hearts.
As the bus pulls up, hold my gasp of surrender, wipe my tears, and hush the silent cry of my being to go with them where they are. I release them to you, they have always been yours. Please hold their little hands as they go... they will need you. With head buried in your chest, I feel your heart beat for every child on the beginning of this new journey. Trust. I trust your goodness. Even when I don't want to, when it hurts, when all I want to do is have one more moment. I trust. I pray.

Thursday 1 September 2016

"Find me when you seek me..."

...For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart...
Jeremiah 29:11-13

...more than anything I want to find you... not for stuff, not for anything but for you. I want to find you for you. To find another for stuff, for info, for influence, not for them, is hurtful... and yet you ask your children to curl on your lap, and confide, share, pour their hearts out like water before you.

What does it mean to seek you with my whole heart? My whole being?

The same Spirit that searches the heart of God Searches the heart of man. Searches the heart of this woman. What do you look for? See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

I will find you when I seek you with my whole heart.

Holy Spirit search me, search my heart, for only you know how to cleanse me, washing over me with hands that heal, arms that carry, and a heart that is unending.

Search my thoughts, replaced with illumination streaming with laser like focus to the throne of the father.

Reign in my words, the same lips that praise God and curse mankind; tongue with the power to tear down, and build up.

Infuse my veins to the tree you have planed by streams of living water... the ones that do well in prosperity or famine... Until the end.

How can I seek you so you are found?

As you surround me, and are the very breath that I breath, I see there is nothing that is no escape from you. You are in everything, you have made all things in a world waiting to be redeemed.

With every thought and for every thoughtless breath make me aware. Not being a game of hide and seek but rather seeking and revealed.

"Come and see me
come and know me
come and search my heart and make me... like you, like you, I just wanna be like you...

Come and see me
come and know me
Come and search my heart and make me new, make me new, I wanna be just like you..."

Thursday 25 August 2016

a modern day foot washing

Read all of John 13 to get the full picture...

Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. (John 13:1b)

“Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”
Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” (John 13:9-10)

“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.  Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. (John 13:13-14)

"Slaves are not greater than their master, nor messenger more important then the one who sends the message." (John 13:16)

 Foot washing... What might a modern day version of foot washing be?

Jesus was spending the last intimate moments on his "death bed" with the 12 men that had been through it all with him. He stoops down to wash their feet. He stoops down, and with all of the authority given him, knowing his fate shares a very important part of kingdom success with them. Pouring out the last beautiful anointed words they will hear from his contained in human form lips, he demonstrates how to wash feet... a job of a servant... a job of the lowest position.

He washes our feet. As all of creation awaits, and has been waiting since the fall of man for this place in time... time takes a pause, angels breathless as their master stoops down to wash my feet. To was your feet.

Simon wants to be bathed, and Jesus reminds him that the clean need not bath all over, but just the portion that is the dirtiest, just the feet... feet that carry, feet that stop. Feet that guide and lead, crack and bleed, heal and run. Feet that are set on a path, and kept safe. Just the feet.

" should also wash one another's feet..." (just the feet)

Feet. I wonder if a modern day version of foot washing is motive questioning. As I am questioned, truth washes over and through my being and I am convicted, or affirmed in the direction my motive will carry me. The one washing through questions serves the one being questioned. It is not a challenge, it is not a fight, it is a gentle washing, allowing the Holy Spirit like water to wash away impurities of selfish motives as our feet once again are made clean.

And we can do this for one another.

Motives from the start will come out in the end. They either are clean and remain clean by the cleansing waters of conviction, or become muddied by a world that thrives to steal kill and destroy all that is good, pure and right.

Allow others to wash your feet. Allow the Holy Spirit to search you and know you. Jesus asked us to do this for one another, in Him. As painful as it may be at the time, if you allow it, God will receive the glory, and you will be found pure of heart, ready to have your feet carry you to the next place God has planned.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

A legacy forgotten... a stroy retold.

"Remember today that your children were not the ones who saw and experienced the discipline of the Lord your God: his majesty, his mighty hand, his outstretched arm;  the signs he performed and the things he did in the heart of Egypt, both to Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his whole country;  what he did to the Egyptian army, to its horses and chariots, how he overwhelmed them with the waters of the Red Sea as they were pursuing you, and how the Lord brought lasting ruin on them..."
Deuteronomy 11:2-4

Stories. Stories of deliverance, stories of disobedience and defeat... With stories we bring to life, paint a verbal picture of a place in time that something important happened. Stories also can remind us who we are, and why we do what we do.

This was done in the old testament regularly. The people heard time and time again how God had saved their great great grandparents from EGYPT... and what a fantastic story it is! The women would tell of  Moses's mom and the basket in which she placed their one day great leader. Then the moment of all moments, when the hand of God had written out those commands, history breathing a blessing onto a rebellious and stubborn nation. A covenant made, a forever future chosen.

Generations would enjoy the protection and providence of God based on the truth in the stories passed down from generation to generation. But stories, the spoken word, ceased to be told. Youth grew, grandparents died, and the nation of Israel would forget... Surrounding nations would crowd in and the spoken word, their legacy, the legacy chosen for them before the foundations of the world would be forgotten. Time and time again, like a children's fable lost in the back of a dusty library, the word of God would be forgotten.

Are we telling the compelling truths to our children about God and our history? Are we telling stories that widen the small eyes of a child, and truly make Jesus out to be their superhero? Or has your imagination taken a back seat and been subdued by daytime streaming drama and prime time pseudo porn?

Have you known what it is like to run through the middle of raging waters on dry ground while the enemy pursued? Or stood on a mountain when fire rained down from the heavens? Eaten beautiful snow like bread every morning, and watched water gush from a rock in the middle of the dessert?

Have you played in the mud that healed a man born blind, held the hand of a child once dead? Did you feel the ground shake as tears poured from the heavens, or seen the place where He laid in a tomb now empty?

And what about you? What about the story written in your life not on paper or stone? What about your story bears truth to these wonderful miracles?

My Grandfather having the right set of gifts in a war camp to sneak food at night; not only to feed himself, but feed the men that toiled with him day to day...

My life being a miracle after my parents believed God was greater than a diagnosis not to have "normal children"... named Johanna Eva because I truly was to them God's gracious gift of life.

"It is time to share your burdens" a wedding plan in motion between their father and I... as God knew the family I came from would soon fall apart, and nearly break my heart.

Stories. Stories of deliverance, stories of disobedience and defeat... With stories we bring to life, paint a verbal picture of a place in time that something important happened.

Have we allowed this culture to crowd in to the point of no return? Will your grandchildren remember Gods providence of a survived great grandfather through the war, or the healing power of a God who gives good gifts to parents that seek His face, and renews all things in His time?

Paint for your children a picture that is true to the faithfulness of the one who dwells richly in them. Daily let them taste and see that the Lord is good. Let us together, raise a generation that knows who they are, where they came from, and why they believe what they believe. It takes a village, no it takes a body, a bride, the bride of Christ to raise a child.

Father let us be a people that remembers your great faithfulness. Give us words and pictures to tell our children of the wonders you have done, and will continue to do into eternity. Let not the world crowd us out of tasting, seeing, believing and experiencing your goodness, for you are good. We Praise you and thank you for all that you are yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.

Friday 19 August 2016

Your Master Plan

Sometimes your word doesn't feel like it's enough.

I want so much more of you.

then you show me...

The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.

The Word became spirit and made His dwelling in us.

You knew.

Your word now living, breathing, illumination, beckoning. Convicting, forgiving, revealing.

placed in every man and woman, child and infant

your word, the truth, the light

The light shines in the darkness

and the darkness does not recognise it.

You knew.

To some the smell of death, to others life giving.

Life changing, life healing, life eternal.

Your word, flesh; among... your word, spirit; in

And now you have your way in me.

As you wrap your word, Holy Spirit and place in us a light that will not be put out. A light that will shine brighter as times become darker, as the chasm between life and death widens. Times try to run from its maker as you allow every detail in your judgment, your grace, your mater plan.

Master plan. Master, planed.

already gone before,

standing behind,

and walking with us through.

You engulf all of time, and enter in, with me here, now. Scaling down, and back not becoming less, but to be more in me, when it is really all about you.

Your word is enough, more than enough. All of you overwhelms me, surrounds me, becomes me as the light shines in this once dark place; and I have recognised it, not just once, but in every moment as you renew every cell in my being with your life giving word. your spirit, your self.

You know... and in my limited understanding of an unlimited You, you are.

You word will always be and no words could express even as you created our words, there are none to express You. YOU ARE, and I am... hidden in the one and only I AM.

Your Word, is you, and it is more than enough.

Saturday 13 August 2016


Have you ever had a connection, one that feels deeper, eternal... you wonder if the Father sighs at two finding one together... They push, they rest, they endure all you throw at them and you do the same for them, in the power of the Spirit... Like the Father Himself, for a moment tore every barrier of fear and lack of yourself from your mind and put into your heart another... No library of wrongs, or overdue books lurking, no bank deposits and withdraws to come... just complete freedom with caution thrown to the wind the mutual payback exploring what it is to be another... different from you and yet recognizable still as in a mirror, a dimly lit mirror in which we one day will see and know all things not yet known to man. To know and be fully known. To choose to be known and fully know...

There is no fear in love... love is not hidden... love is not something... it is not given or taken... it is someone of free will, of understanding far greater than our minute human minds could fathom. Love is active, as is truth and all things eternal. Love without truth is not love.

And in truth it is impossible to be fully loved and fully known by any person. Even the deepest places of our hearts are hidden to self... as the Spirit searches He finds and all things may be brought to light. No Spirit, no light... no being known, no truth, no fear... no love.

Why we were made... to love and be loved... in the Father, in the Son, through the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever lost a connection. One from fear, one from potential damage to a journey you had once been on... that is no longer. One that drained every bit of love you could squeeze from your parched heart... one that you could mourn the rest of your existence, in search for such a love as this again? Could such a closeness ever be known, ever be shared, ever tie your heart up again? Questionable dependence, needed affirmation, always holding onto what has slipped from hands weakened with the clutch of desperation spilling over... over the edge of where you thought your trust would never return.

Trust in someone that does not exist, because no man is trustworthy. Only the holder, inventor, edge of your end, fallen over and caught you in the end can be trusted. The one that looks with you in a mirror, created your reflection and the mirror, the holder of all things beyond, seen in the shadows, working in the deepest parts of you that you search for... He is the one to be trusted.

...He makes something, something from nothing, not from things already known, but of things unknown, not yet created until his breath of life breaths a word, and in the beginning, He is. He makes with a thought, that can only be a thought to our words, but spans the ends of the beginning and the end... a thought known to us, but something different to Him. Complexities made simple as He holds all things and spins such beauty with his very hands that are only words to Him.

His existence given to man, living in each who asks. He can be trusted.

And as you see his existence in others, you will recognize His voice in each. As you hear and recognize that voice you can trust in the hand holder of all things... the breather of new, never been before life. When you find you are given your trust spot again, trusting others is the simple act of trusting in Him.

Trust him in having a connection, trust him in the loss. In time, as He meets you at the end, outside of time you will see... it is all the same. loss is gain... in his loss you were to gain... and always will. He is to be trusted and connections are given and taken away, for He will receive the glory either way.

Thursday 11 August 2016


At North point beach...
"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world..."
- Jesus Christ

The crying could not be confused for anything but what it was; complete and total irrational fear. As we stood in ankle deep water, filled with terror, clinging to me as if I was her last life support.

In gentle calming tones, I talked her down...
"...the waves all have a breaking point. They only get so high then they have to fall over themselves. Every wave does this... this one, and that one... just hold my hand, don't let go, and if they get too high, I can pick you up, and carry you..."

And then HIS voice catches me off guard, and rings so true in my spirit...

"...and so it is with the troubles of life..."

In fear we often give up and never allow ourselves to see the wave cap, break and experience the ride that follows.

Every wave has a breaking point. God has given each of us a depth of faith in amidst the waves. For some, ankle deep is where He has asked them to be, for others treading water. Movement to deeper water requires love, trust, obedience... never letting go of our fathers hand as he speaks in gentle calming tones...

"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world..."

For the rest of our time she played in ankle deep water's, holding my hand... but my prayer is that one day she will be given the desire for deeper waters, cling to the Fathers hand, and tread water with the Saints for His glory...

Friday 5 August 2016

Balance and Seasons

"There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:"
-King Solomon

Balance. That is what the world is after. 

Seasons. This is what I am after.

Balance says, you must do all things all the time and keep them all in the air to be equally as important.

Seasons says, this is what you have been given, have grace for the things you cannot do.

Balance says, all of these pressures are on you, and it is your job to keep each of these pressures equally as important all of the time. 

Seasons says, you are to focus on a few things that has been given to you, and do them well.

Balance says, do all that you can do as it comes at you.

Seasons says, all that I give you will not overwhelm.

Balance says, you are greatest when you can do all of these things with the equal amount of skill in the equal amount of time all the time.

Seasons says, you are greatest when you are at your worst and call out for MY help to do them together.

Balance says, when you drop everything you have been keeping up in the air, I will tell you to reset and start over to do the same thing over and over and over and over again.

Seasons says, when you drop everything, rest, learn, heal, for this too is a season. There is nothing you can do that hasn't already been planned for you.

Balance says, do all of this all at the same time...
  be born and die,
  plant and uproot,
  kill and heal,
  tear down, build,
  weep and laugh,
  mourn and dance,
  scatter stones and gather them,
  embrace and refrain from embracing,
  search and give up,
  keep and throw away,
  tear and mend,
  be silent and speak,
  love and hate,
  war and peace...
all at the same time with equal amount of intensity and importance all the time.

Seasons says, 
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens,
    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.

Balance says, Its not easy, it is inevitable that you will try your whole life to achieve me...but in the end with all of your hard work, you may find self fulfillment.

Seasons says, come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Replace Seasons with Jesus.

(Inspired from a question I had asked Carey Niewhof, thank you)