Tuesday 23 July 2019

My wandering Canada...

I see the rising of Great Rockies
and feel the sinking of the tide
a million voices chanting
protecting what is not ours.

The imovable shield we stand on,
the great river divide
The current that gives and takes away
and see the harvest with none to stand beside.

Leaves fall with flakes to follow
each its own shape and size
they each landas we all have,
forgotten is the time.

Illumination in the evening
entertainment for the day
blessings of entertainment
distant lands with suffering
fade away.

With no warning a warm breath
consumes us from the south
caressing our cold cheeks
crowding the blanket out.

I hear the sound of
a million seekers walking
looking for a heven -
a new beginning.

As the land Springs forth
and gives birth to new life
through a narrow tunnel
death is met
an entire generation forgotten.

No eye has seen
nor ear has heard

We know in our being
and with one word

we are saved.

All the earth is Holy ground.
All of Canada is Holy ground.
We are consumed by Holy Ground.
Consume us with you.

Friday 12 July 2019

"Taking my choice away... "

"At the age of 18 I wish someone would have taken away my right to choose. I had the right to choose. I choose to have unprotected sex that resulted in pregnancy."

And it was in this moment that I realized that not all 18 year olds are ready to make the decision to take another human beings life. She wishes now that the law would have protected her unborn child. It is not a question of choice, but rather consequence that now haunts her.

"Somone else shouldnt have to pay for my mistake. We suffer the consequences of our own mistakes. but instead I choose to kill my mistake, rather thank deal with it."

There was no one to walk beside her, no doctor had councelled her on who to talk to.  She was 18, she was alone, and she saw no way out.

"It took me a really long time to forgive myself. Forgiving others is easy. Forgiving self and accepting forgiveness is much more difficult."

We hear about the need to choose, but we are forcing our girls to choose with no education, is that really a choice? If you were given the choice to murder or not murder, which would you choose?

THAT in my opinion is the issue at hand.

Active Rest

High Capacity Leaders are filled up through times of business. People cheering, our voice heard, accomplishments moving forward.

But what of the times of rest? What of the times of stillness and rejuvenation? Healing, revelation, and applause from heaven - rest filled in the pleasure of the Father.

In times of rest it is difficult to trust that God is at work, especially when we are not.

Is it possible to be active in rest?  Could resting be work for some of us? Could resting be a spiritual discipline are failing to practise?

Why is rest so difficult for high capacity leaders, and how can it become a spiritual discipline?

You either choose rest, or it chooses you. Seasons of business are unavoidable, and so are seasons of rest. Here are some ways I have chosen rest, and trusted God was at work through those times.

"Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling"
Zechariah 2:13

Rest seems to come easily to a more seasoned leader. Rest comes easily to the leader that knows the plan did not start and will not end with them. From years of waiting and trusting they know that not all of what God has shown them will come to pass in their lifetime. They know and trust God in his timing and ability to bring others along to do his work. Seeing a plan from outside of time - through the eyes of the one who creates all plans - allows us to rest.

To the leader that stands in awe of the plan, and does not become overwhelmed with it is to trust something more is at work. To see the end, is often to be overwhelmed with the process. Or, to see the end is to trust the path is being made for others to join you. Trust God in others, as closely as you have trusted the vision and end God has given to you. Your journey people are just as important as the end people.

God is sovereign. He is our focus. He knows what we need. He knows what He wants. He invites us to his "beyond our understanding bigger than life plans". He is not held back by our fear, overwhelmedness or resistance. He requires our trust, and our obedience.

God knows. He has a reason, a plan, and holds it all as he sits outside of time, orchestrating the entire beautiful plan with or without us.

Maybe we need to begin to see active rest as a necessity. Maybe we teach it to the next generation. Because when people are exhausted from doing and running, our people will be a witness to the prince of peace by simply being and resting.

Assume: you know that that does???

I have recently had a few people make assumptions about me according to their own insecurities or short comings. Although this is frustrating, it forces me to look at how Jesus dealt with assuming bystanders.

I gotta tell you though, this assuming things and I go way back... we have some history that is difficult to ignore, and triggers my need to fight and defend self every single time.

But I am reminded that first off, Jesus never said to assume makes an ASS out of U and ME because Jesus wasn't so worried about how he was seen by others. So in my case, although I would like to pull the victim card, I will refrain, based on the fact that Jesus would never have played victim.

Second, I have learned in my 40 years of life that peoples assumptions say way more about them than they do about you. If you are a big enough person, you can recognise, name and carry the burden of the other person with you, and have grace to extend understating rather than always fight to be understood.

Third, does it really matter? Will people's assuming effect me eternally? will it affect the kingdom eternally? Where will it fall to cause the least amount of damage? Jesus said HIS yoke is easy and the burden light... so do not carry what is not yours, know the truth about self, and rest in his truth.

And last of all, rise above the assumptions. If it is not true, let it run off of you like a dip in a cool lake on a hot summers afternoon. This will be refreshing both to yourself and to others. Defending oneself shows insecurity, and insecurity points to ego... I need not think more of myself than what is true, and what is true can be found in my identity in Christ.

As I write this, I am reminded of the many times I have misunderstood others and made assumptions about them. I have been extended grace, many times. It is in recognising the times others extended grace to me that I now extend it to others... but only by the measure of grace given to me by the Father. In my human self, to ASSUME is to make an ASS out of U and ME... but I have left that life behind.