Wednesday 21 November 2018

The night

I look out and I see day, but inside it is night. 

The day awakens my senses, entices my wants.

But yesterdays engaging the day brought more wants. 

In the night you are here, and you invade my very skin.

You give me the needs with no want of regret.

The day and the night, you help me choose.

You remind me of you.

The light is not the day. 

It is not produced or created by you, 

nor a false light that man has made. 

The light in the night is pure, and true. 

The light in the night is blinding and warm

peace filled with no need to perform

It begs my surrender in days that are warn. 

I look out and see day, but inside it is night

the night awakens my senses for you are 

the truest of light.

For all the days I have lived

the night is where I will stay

until your new day dawns, 

and I stand in full surrender 

before the light of the world.

Psalm 139:19-20
John 3:19-21