Thursday 11 February 2021

Picturing Prayer...

 “I feel bad because I forget to talk to GOD all day, and I really want to.”

That was the cry of my daughters heart last night before bed. With tears in her eyes and a genuine desire to be in constant contact with the creator of the world throughout her day – her confession got me thinking; How do I stay in contact with God throughout my day?

I know my daughter thinks in picture. I know she is highly skilled at interacting with others, but needs time to process. I know she has trouble finding words share her dreams, vision or emotion to whatever is happening in her minds eye. So we revisited the subject the next morning on the way to school.

I asked her how she felt last night when she was crying about not remembering to talk to God during the day. She said she felt bad, and like she might be missing out on things He wants to show her. I then talked to her about the way I have incorporated continual conversation into my day with God.

I told her that I often think in picture, and the pictures that I think on, God understands because he made me. He speaks my special picture language as well. I said to her that often in my picture thinking, I know God is looking at my picture thinking with me, seeing pictures and thoughts the exact way I do, and adds thought pictures to what I see. God is the only one that can actually enter into my pictures with me, and know the way they make me feel. So its actually easy to talk to God all day because I just picture him creating pictures with me all day long. The trick is remembering that He is in those thought pictures with me.

I explained that when I pray for her, its actually a picture first – that when she hears the words, it is a picture that I have seen and have had to translate into words so that she understands.

I then said that I would pray to her in pictures for her day, so that she would know how I pray and see if she understands what I mean. This is the prayer I prayed…

Father God, thank you for Nicole. I see her being hugged by Jesus all day, feeling his love so much that it shines from her eyes and other people recognise your love through her. I see her talking to kids that no one wants to talk to on the yard – helping them up, walking and talking with them the way you do, and would. I see you walking with them, laughing and crying with them. I see you shining with pride for her. Father I see Nicole staying focused on what the teacher has to say. I see her reminding other kids to do the same. I see her asking great questions that help her and others learn. I see her do this by putting her hand up and waiting for the teacher to answer her. Father, I thank you for Nicole’s teacher. She is wise. She is strong. We know she loves you. We pray for you to help us bring your love through us to the classroom today. Father I see you protecting Nicole’s mind, Like a helmet on her head only allowing your truth to come in.

And I then turn to Nicole, and ask her if she can see Jesus in every part of her day. I ask if she can start to remember God in every place of her picture thoughts. She says yes.

I am so thankful we drive her to and from school every day.