Wednesday 29 August 2018

Hope for today

For you, the person needing hope today. For the mom that isn't feeling like she is enough. To the leader who is unsure of their ability to lead the ones in their care. To the one plagued by doubt and shame. To the one that has been questioning if Jesus is the son of God, and all that He is and did is true...

Lift your head to the one that created you. The Father. Every part of you. He created you for beautiful, unspeakable, unseen things. Every hair on your head, every feeling in your heart, every desire in the depths of your soul, His creation. A mini world within this great unending timeless universe he continues to breath into life. He is your home. He showers you with grace that has left you free to be who he first intended for you. Fall into His arms today. Let what is not, fall to the side.

Be the person you will be when stand before your King in eternity. Unashamed, no regrets, full of love, truth, grace.