Thursday 22 December 2016

Can He be Trusted?

"Why do you trust me so much, when I trust you so little?"

This is a question I asked our Father recently. His answer, as they always do spoke to affirm and encourage me, and brought me to my knees.

In asking if God can be trusted, you must first point the finger back at self. You need to take stock, let the Spirit search you out, and speak.

Henri Nouwen in His book Can you drink the Cup said that "a life that is not reflected upon isnt worth living... half of living is reflecting on what is being lived."

So lets reflect.

Has God earned my trust?  Have I earned His? Can I be trusted? Is my trust worth earning? Does He trust me? Is earning my trust worth it to Him?

This first question cuts to the heart of hearts within one self. It exposes false beliefs and selfish motive. You can always recognise someone that asks this question. The person that cannot trust, must control. They must hold tightly to what is not theirs to hold onto. They demand respect, and use their authority poorly on those that follow.

This first question forgets that God is God and man is man. That man comes to this earth with empty hands and leaves the same way. That all things live and breath and have their being through their maker.

This question extends beyond the reach of your skin, beyond your home, your friends, your community. It is a question that spans all of humanity. It is bigger than you.

The correct question, even when there are never any wrong questions to ask is should I have been trusted? Can I be trusted? The answer to that question is simple in a fallen world. In a world where children die from starvation with parents that have sold them into slavery. In a world where we watch television in our warm homes to be entertained while a mother of 6 has just finished a two day journey to retrieve disease ridden water for her family.

Can we be trusted? Can humanity be trusted? No. I would say we are doing a pretty lousy job of caring for all of what God has trusted us with... and yet He continues to trust.

Definition of trust: the most innocent, beautiful being... a baby placed into the darkness of a young ladies womb. Heavens pride and glory wrapped in dirty clothes placed in a feeding trough where animals live. Perfection given a name, given skin and bones, being confined in human form, to bring freedom.

Does God trust us? Strangely enough He does. Sent to us as a baby, God had us care for His own son. This might be like me entrusting an ant to look after one of my children. It does not make human sense. Do I trust an ant?

Father, why do you trust us so much, when we trust you so little? Gods answer, His joy filled, tear stained eyes answer to us, as believers and His children:

"I trust you because I have seen you on the other side."

He trusts us because He knows the story from beginning to the end. The love of the father for his perfect bride expands beyond the temporary, the here and now.

Can He be trusted? More than any other thing given or known. He can.

Can we be trusted? Ask this question to the tiny figure laying in a feeding tough, covered in humanity, quivering lips, unfocused eyes. Can I be trusted? and looking into His endless loving eyes, smelling the newborness of eternity, a whisper from Heaven will bring you to your knees and give you your hearts greatest calling.

Friday 2 December 2016

from Isolation to Love

Isolation is a lie. It is a choice, the beginning of personal punishment, the mouth of a cave filled with torment and fear... waiting to swallow you whole, with no intention of release.

The lie isolates. It whispers that we are alone in our sin, alone in our torment and do not deserve to have others enter with us into our dark places; it speaks words of damnation to keep us ruined at the bottom of a pit where he hurls our worst belief systems at us.

If isolation is a choice. What is the alternative?

My default is isolation. If you looked closely at your own life, you might unearth the same dark truth. Is this true because it is easier? Because we fear being known? Because we are unaware that others might want to know our stuff, share in our stuff, and want to share theirs? Might it be part of this sin stuff that covers us here on earth?

Isolation does not trust, it fears, it hides, it destroys.

On the side that brings hope, gives light, extends grace, and covers a multitude of sins is Love. In all that isolation kills, Love breaths back to life. In all that isolation steals, Love willingly surrenders back. In all that isolation puts down, Love builds up. Isolation demands, Love invites. Isolation pushes, Love holds hands and walks beside.  Insert Jesus where love is.... and carry on.

How can Love become our default? In failure, in sin, in hidden places... to allow oneself to be loved, and not to isolate.

Trust. Whom? Ask. Why? Because the alternative is death. Spiritual, emotional, and eventually physical death. Many of you have walked that path already, as have I.

You will always be given the opportunity to isolate. Right now, a few minutes from now, tonight, tomorrow, next year...

Dare you choose to be loved? and love?

Thursday 1 December 2016

I am not my own...

There is a place within you that dwells the most sacred place on earth. It is kept for that moment when you say yes to all that God is and no to all that is not. It is sacred - like walking into a church with high ceilings, stained glass windows and the smell of old pews.

It resides deep within you. At one time, guarded by two huge angels. They stood guard so that nothing unwanted, dirty, tainted or mangled would go in. Wings sprawled out before and around guarding... day and night with no regard of whom intruded... no tolerance for what should not be. Posted by their maker.

This is the place you retreat to for safety, refuge, healing hurt, to be fully and completely loved. To be known - to be shown who you are, and know you have been made new.

You enter, and this sacred place ends at you - and begins in Him. You are immediately held, loved, and asked to stay longer than you ever feel you deserve to, or are ever able to.

Once you were not able to darken this rooms door, but now with bloodstained wooden doorposts, the dwelling of God the Father has now entered. He lives in this place, with you. Gods desire to be here with you was so strong He gave everything... the blood on the posts is His own. A long terrifying sacrifice made to encompass eternity in one moment... now the sacred living, dwelling in one human being.

This is the place He waits for you. The door always open, the room set with the finest of things you need to enjoy this life on earth. A setting where you feed on needs you have been desperate to fill from the day you were born.

Do you not know that you are the temple for the one and only Holy God? You are not your own.