Wednesday 24 May 2017

10 signs for mom:

We have all seen it, the mom that just makes every other mom look like a rock star because they are depleted in every way. I tend to be the depleted one... and would like to share with you 10 signs you may be in need of a coffee date with another mom:

10. You are obsessively checking facebook hoping for your 10th like that hour

9.  You forgot to look in the mirror before you went out

8.  You leave the house to pack the kids on the bus while they are still sleeping

7.  Eating Cheerios stuck to your shirt for breakfast is legit

6.  Your kid is dressed like a clown and it is not a theme day

5. You run back home five times trying to remember the same thing every time

4. You're wearing the same clothes this afternoon as this morning at the bus stop

3. You fart and don't bother saying excuse me, no one else does...

2. You cry when your asked about how your long weekend was

1. You didn't notice you've left the house with no pants on

Call me up, lets go for coffee and I promise i will brush my teeth... this time:)

Thursday 18 May 2017

The Gift

When a gift is given it is wise to note that it was not once yours.

A gift shared with others then becomes a gift others share.

A gift is held too tightly, becomes a possession.

A possession is a personal belonging, an owning, or controlling of something.

Something possessed is not a gift.

All things are given, there is no possession.

And with no possession, the blessing of no ownership or control.