Thursday 11 August 2016


At North point beach...
"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world..."
- Jesus Christ

The crying could not be confused for anything but what it was; complete and total irrational fear. As we stood in ankle deep water, filled with terror, clinging to me as if I was her last life support.

In gentle calming tones, I talked her down...
"...the waves all have a breaking point. They only get so high then they have to fall over themselves. Every wave does this... this one, and that one... just hold my hand, don't let go, and if they get too high, I can pick you up, and carry you..."

And then HIS voice catches me off guard, and rings so true in my spirit...

"...and so it is with the troubles of life..."

In fear we often give up and never allow ourselves to see the wave cap, break and experience the ride that follows.

Every wave has a breaking point. God has given each of us a depth of faith in amidst the waves. For some, ankle deep is where He has asked them to be, for others treading water. Movement to deeper water requires love, trust, obedience... never letting go of our fathers hand as he speaks in gentle calming tones...

"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world..."

For the rest of our time she played in ankle deep water's, holding my hand... but my prayer is that one day she will be given the desire for deeper waters, cling to the Fathers hand, and tread water with the Saints for His glory...

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