Saturday 29 April 2017

Change. Excruciating and free. Falling but sustained. Seen and unveiled. And so it continues, with a quick moving world, comes a generation of Spirit lead followers. Neutral in opinion and surrendered in reputation. Resilient through temptation, unashamed in dependence. Change. 

You are standing in a place you have never been before. A soft veil of silk covers you from things you are not yet invited to see. It shields you from the burning light by day, and the knowledge of shadows by night. It comforts, caresses and tempts your being to be satisfied.

Atop a skyscraper you survey the land. Seeing only what the veil allows. The beauty, the familiar, the resting in all that has been, and all that will be. You are loved, you are safe, you are being given all you need for all that has been asked of you.

The wind picks up and your veil begins to show signs of retreat. You hold it in place, knowing that if it is lost, not only will you see differently, but be seen differently. Seen as week, inferior, seen as disposable by the world, in your undeveloped being, and tainted spirit. Fearful of misrepresenting... lost position... questionable calling. 

Knowing the wind will steal your veil on the rooftops, you retreat to the land. Surly the street will offer some refuge from the elements. 

You descend through the floors of the building. Anxiety, fear... no, terror works its way up your spine, bypassing your mind, settling in your heart... takes stock where it has no business. At ground zero you exit the building. Holding your veil, desperate to shake the feelings you experienced in your decent. Pushing open the exit, all becomes lost. A gust of wind leaves you veil-less. And in an instant all is exposed. 

Before you, the world goes on... self obsessed and needing it's next entertainment fix. Insulted, you continue. With your veil gone, you survey the land once again, awaking to all that the veil had stolen, compelled by all that has been, convicted of what could be. You are loved, you are safe, you are being given all you need for all that has been asked of you. 

As you again survey the lay of the land, a cloak of illuminating transparency settled over your being. She calls out to you as if the storehouse of heavens wisdom have brought spring rains to renew the land within. The cloak preserves you; humble in transparency, shrewd in application, and pure in commission. 

Territory expanding with trust. Change has come, and in this new place you are surrendered. 

As if in a movie captivated by slow motion, your veil dances with the wind, waving goodbye to you in your new threads. All that you have ever needed, given at birth. Awareness that your cloak that has changed sizes from conception. Marked with His seal in the depths of your being before the foundation of the world was breathed to life. Hemmed in, before and behind. You are home.

Change. Excruciating and free. Falling but sustained. Seen and unveiled. And so it continues, with a quick moving world, comes a generation of Spirit lead followers. Neutral in opinion and surrendered in reputation. Resilient through temptation, unashamed in dependence. Change. 

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