Friday 12 July 2019

Assume: you know that that does???

I have recently had a few people make assumptions about me according to their own insecurities or short comings. Although this is frustrating, it forces me to look at how Jesus dealt with assuming bystanders.

I gotta tell you though, this assuming things and I go way back... we have some history that is difficult to ignore, and triggers my need to fight and defend self every single time.

But I am reminded that first off, Jesus never said to assume makes an ASS out of U and ME because Jesus wasn't so worried about how he was seen by others. So in my case, although I would like to pull the victim card, I will refrain, based on the fact that Jesus would never have played victim.

Second, I have learned in my 40 years of life that peoples assumptions say way more about them than they do about you. If you are a big enough person, you can recognise, name and carry the burden of the other person with you, and have grace to extend understating rather than always fight to be understood.

Third, does it really matter? Will people's assuming effect me eternally? will it affect the kingdom eternally? Where will it fall to cause the least amount of damage? Jesus said HIS yoke is easy and the burden light... so do not carry what is not yours, know the truth about self, and rest in his truth.

And last of all, rise above the assumptions. If it is not true, let it run off of you like a dip in a cool lake on a hot summers afternoon. This will be refreshing both to yourself and to others. Defending oneself shows insecurity, and insecurity points to ego... I need not think more of myself than what is true, and what is true can be found in my identity in Christ.

As I write this, I am reminded of the many times I have misunderstood others and made assumptions about them. I have been extended grace, many times. It is in recognising the times others extended grace to me that I now extend it to others... but only by the measure of grace given to me by the Father. In my human self, to ASSUME is to make an ASS out of U and ME... but I have left that life behind.

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