Friday 12 July 2019

Active Rest

High Capacity Leaders are filled up through times of business. People cheering, our voice heard, accomplishments moving forward.

But what of the times of rest? What of the times of stillness and rejuvenation? Healing, revelation, and applause from heaven - rest filled in the pleasure of the Father.

In times of rest it is difficult to trust that God is at work, especially when we are not.

Is it possible to be active in rest?  Could resting be work for some of us? Could resting be a spiritual discipline are failing to practise?

Why is rest so difficult for high capacity leaders, and how can it become a spiritual discipline?

You either choose rest, or it chooses you. Seasons of business are unavoidable, and so are seasons of rest. Here are some ways I have chosen rest, and trusted God was at work through those times.

"Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling"
Zechariah 2:13

Rest seems to come easily to a more seasoned leader. Rest comes easily to the leader that knows the plan did not start and will not end with them. From years of waiting and trusting they know that not all of what God has shown them will come to pass in their lifetime. They know and trust God in his timing and ability to bring others along to do his work. Seeing a plan from outside of time - through the eyes of the one who creates all plans - allows us to rest.

To the leader that stands in awe of the plan, and does not become overwhelmed with it is to trust something more is at work. To see the end, is often to be overwhelmed with the process. Or, to see the end is to trust the path is being made for others to join you. Trust God in others, as closely as you have trusted the vision and end God has given to you. Your journey people are just as important as the end people.

God is sovereign. He is our focus. He knows what we need. He knows what He wants. He invites us to his "beyond our understanding bigger than life plans". He is not held back by our fear, overwhelmedness or resistance. He requires our trust, and our obedience.

God knows. He has a reason, a plan, and holds it all as he sits outside of time, orchestrating the entire beautiful plan with or without us.

Maybe we need to begin to see active rest as a necessity. Maybe we teach it to the next generation. Because when people are exhausted from doing and running, our people will be a witness to the prince of peace by simply being and resting.

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