Wednesday 23 August 2017

Dear Beautiful Pre and Teen girls in my life...

So, here’s the deal… I am talking to all of my pre-teen, and teen girls whom I love with my whole heart… to the girls I know, see, talk to, that kinda feel like my flesh and blood. You need not read this if you are a)male, and b) feel the need to defend women’s rights… because this is not a women’s rights issue.
My girls. Please hear me out when I say you are beautiful… and not because your body is at the perfect age with no saggy skin, wrinkles, cellulite, and is perky………. Like everywhere.

There was a time when I looked much like you, wore clothing a lot like you, and craved attention so much I would have done just about anything.
I know why we post pictures… but back in the day, you only got to see THIS once, when it walked by you… then it was gone. (Or I had to wait for the pictures to develop at K-mart a week to see that my eyes were closed in the best body shot ever… yup, back in the day).
Ok, maybe you post a cute pic with a little cleve to let the hot guy two grades up know that you are available… but He’s not the only one looking. When you take a pic of yourself, post it, and wait to see your likes / loves / and whatever else, know that it is around for like ever… for anyone to see… ANYONE… Your future boyfriend(s), your future husband, your dad (oh, your poor dad!), your children, grandchildren, your grandparents, that neighbour, the bus driver, your youth leader, principal, coaches, your future university, employers, that creep that passes your bus stop every morning, some guy across town that has other plans of his own for you and bookmarks the pic for later… (yup I said it… because it’s the truth and needs to be said) ALL OF THEM SEE IT, and it doesn’t ever go away.
Hear me again when I say you are beautiful… and not just like, perfect body beautiful… but young, vibrant, full of life and wonder, beautiful. Beautiful because you are made in the image of God… yes, the God thing again. You have literally no clue that you are for real inside and out stunningly shut the back door beautiful, because right now your brain is going through the terrible two’s, times a million trillion. AND you have no clue that men, ok, teen men think about something sexual EVERY TWO SECONDS… and please hear me out when I say it might be more for some…
I get you, you need attention… you want the best-looking guy two grades up for prestige or 1000000 likes because you need to be an instant celebrity. What if I told you that they will notice? (Why wouldn’t they, you are shut the back door stunning) What if I told you that all of what you think you want is within reach? What would you say then? What if I told you that the guy you have had your heart set on has bets with his buddies two grades up to see how fast he can…………… (you fill in the blank) on / with / all over you.
You could be an instant celeb… or not.
Please know that all things physical have their cost. The cost is one that cannot be paid by any person, because there is no price tag on you… or is there? Please consider this: Your price WAS paid a couple thousand years ago to set you free from the very behaviours that will leave you feeling worthless and used. They left me feeling that way, and this is why I can speak.
That attention is not worth the price you will pay.
Also know that I as I scroll through your pictures, my daughters look with me… they know you, and make remarks about your………. (insert body part here) hanging out, or mimic a post you might be in. My girls are 5 and 7. Do not make me explain why it is not cool to do a near money shot to a 5 and 7 year old.
Really, don’t post pics of yourself like that because you are worth more than a like… and the one that paid the price for you, His continual attention is on you… and He loves you more that any fame or 1000000 people that don’t know you could. He knows your deepest hurts, your most intimate thoughts, and waits every morning for you to share your heart with him.
Don't know who He is, PM me.
No guilt, don’t bother with the shame… because that too was all paid for. Just resolve to stop. Today. And when the need for attention become too great, try talking to Him first, tell him why you want to post, tell Him your needs, your fears… nothing may happen, but then again something amazing might.
I love you guys, and my heart has been broken by this for way too long... and if you dont know why taking a booty shot a certain way is sexual, or why parching your lips and doing other stuff is, please just ask. No shame.
The haters can just keep the hate to themselves. Everyone knows we have rights and what they are. This is a different issue. If you don’t get it, I love you, but please feel free to continue to not get it. I’m talking to the ones that get it.

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