Tuesday 15 March 2016

"Give up the hair straitener" He said...  and so I did.  I had been looking for something, and since I had been so heavily convicted on my minor obsession about body image it only made sense...

Lent had already started, and apparently it was all the rage to just let hair be hair in the "glam" industry, so why not? 15 minutes less in front of the mirror would be time well spent elsewhere.

But giving up the straitener lead me to more pressing questions... questions not of outside appearances but questions of the heart.

Was it because of my rebellious nature that I needed to straiten and not allow curl, lighten and not allow dark, or tighten and not allow a little bulge?  (I wont expand on that last one)  "You always want what you don't have" another culture lie sifting its way into the church. Could it be that I was telling God what he had given me wasn't good enough, tall enough, long enough, high enough for me to not only survive but thrive in this world?  And even deeper than that... What was it about the real me that was unacceptable, and to whom?

Ok, the closer you get to 40 the more comfy you are in your own skin, but at the same time, listening to this deeper nagging in me lead me somewhere.  Yes, I was wounded, but who isn't? (Poor victims of others teasing each one of us are) It really struck me as I talked to Him about it...

Is all I have given you the way I have given it to you really enough? Enough for what? What you are asked to do, day by day, moment to moment.  I laughed out loud as a picture of myself in heaven with crazy curly brown 80's hair passed though my mind...  Enough, more than enough. We sing it, but do we live it?  Our build, our eye colour, our nose, lips, cheeks, yes even wrinkles.  In this world.  As physical beings, mortal bodies.

Is He more than enough for you today?

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