Tuesday 24 January 2017

Dear beautiful little girl in my daughter's class at school...

Dear beautiful little girl in my daughter's class at school,

Your friend came home from school the other day with nothing eaten but half a sandwich, because she wants to be small, like you.

She has been memorizing moves from Swan Lake so that she is able to talk about your dance class with you.

She also asked to learn how to ski because that's what you did on your birthday.

She's made a pile of cards and precious little girl notes asking if you like her, yes/no with smiley faces and sad faces on them that you will never receive.

Your friend sometimes comes home wondering why you didn't stand up for her on the playground when the other girls made fun of her, or when a little boy pushed her down.

She asks me why you tell her you're her best friend, then make her play games by herself at recess.

Dear little beautiful girl in my daughter's class at school,

It has not mattered what I have said to my daughter to convince her that she is more than worthy of your love. That she has been made different, for a purpose and is so important to this world. It has not mattered what foods I have placed in her lunch, or in front of her at home for her to eat, she is still struggling to understand that her body size does not matter.

I have to admit, it have taken a lot of this on as a mother, and try to choose to believe I have done and am doing all I can to raise a wonderful, gifted, brilliant little girl in this harsh, unforgiving cold world.

Might it be too much to ask that you allow my little girl to be exactly who she is? For me to ask you to allow her to follow you, as you are a leader, and build her up instead of breaking her impressionable little soul? I believe this time spent in grade two will build her into the person she is meant to be, but could you give her a breather, some compassion, some encouragement once in a while?

I will work on building her up, if you agree not to tear her down.

I know you are not a bully; I know you are just doing what little girls do, for I too was a little girl once... but I need to warn you: little girls that tear down others end up being big people that tear others down too, and you are so much more beautiful and better than that. You too are loved, you too will go on to do great things...

Father God, show young leaders how to be good leaders. Surround them with examples of your love and your character so they know when they are walking your path, or have fallen in the ditch. Protect the followers, give them wisdom and discernment to know whom to follow and where. Beyond all of this, draw them both into your heart, into a close place of knowing you, and being known. You have loved us so much, even when we didn't want your love... help me to love those that hurt and tease and ridicule the children you have given me. Help me to accept the process that will build my daughter into the woman of God you have called her to be.

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