Tuesday 7 April 2015

A counter cultural jar...

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God 
and not from us...." 2 Cor.4:7

"Paul was comparing the our lives with the clay pot commonly used in his day. The 
CONTENTS of the earthen vessels , not the containers themselves were of great value...." -

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we 
are being renewed day by day..." 2 Cor.4:16

"Your relationship with God places immeasurable value on your life... Don't focus on 
outward appearances and physical strength, for these deteriorate. Rather, allow the Holy 
Spirit to convince you of the infinite treasure that is within you because of God's presence." - Blackaby

It is no secret that I have struggled with eating issues and excessive exercise issues for the 
better half of my short lived life. These verses this morning were so real to me, both as an 
internal poke and an external revelation. The word of God is almost always countercultural 
in what it values. The WORLD values a young, beautifully fit body - the WORD values what 
is filling that body. I think of how much time, energy and money I have spent in the past 
striving to make my body something that it no longer is, so that people would notice me, 
think I was beautiful, but in the end it is all temporary, and a huge waste of resources, time 
energy and money. We strive for this perfection that society tells us we want, all to find out 
we can never have it, and it does not make a difference anyways. (I am NOT talking about 
healthy lifestyle, which is something totally different...) When I think of the people I look 
up to, the people I love with the better half of my being, I am stuck at the truth of the matter. 
am attracted to those that have that light streaming from their eyes... love without 
question, know wisdom beyond a lifetime... THESE are not temporary, what you give to 
others as an outpouring of these things is not temporary. You cannot gain this 
"wisdom/light/love in a week from a pill/diet/shake. It is gained over a lifetime of being 
focused on the eternal, on a lifetime being engaged in a relationship with God.

I dont want to be ruled by what the world tells me my clay pot is suppose to look like. 
I want to be recognised by my Lord, and what He has poured into it.

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