Sunday 28 June 2015

I confess I am plagued with the same obsession I had when I was 20. The problem is that I am not sure how to move forward in it.  I have wrestled through anger, through fear, through exhaustion and prayer in this.  I gave it up for years... and here I am, back where I started.  A wonderment of inexhaustible change that needs to take place.  To be part of the change, to bypass it and once again let it fall in the hope of anther dusting it off and continuing on...

The family has its issues.  All running in various directions some obsessed with their own agenda's some just starting in on the game.  While the heaviness of the cross remains.  The emptiness of the tomb echoing through our hollow desires to be seen, to be known.  In our need to be doing we have forgotten to be.  In our need to be we have forgotten about Him.  To be in Him. To be for Him. There is no I in Him, it is only Him.  Hidden in the mystery of Him.  

I have found myself asking what our purpose is... In the beginning.. when all was innocent, and sin had not yet thrown a shadow upon our purpose. As the Creator walked in the garden as plainly as I walk with my children through the park. Hold their hands, dance and play, so is the heart of the Father for His children.  For all of His children.  I cannot imagine a more horrible situation for the Father than to not only see some of His children fighting over how to play a game.  To not include some, to shame others, to tell some that the rules they play by are not ridicule, to hurt, to turn one from another.  Know that God feels this.  He is in this. The word says creation waits and groans for the coming of our Lord, imagine the heart of a Father willing to give His only son.  The anticipation, the desire, the longing of a love that surpasses anything we we have ever known, the opportunity to be known.

Having his children love one another may take more.  May take a desperate situation for us to unify with one another.  A desperate situation that spans generations, denominations, positions... 

Or maybe there is another calling... another awakening that can happen before this tragedy comes...  I know I cannot be the only one that has a longing so desperate.  What does Unity in the newness of the Body look like?  Can we get past the differences?  Can we stay in the unity of peace?  Can we be clothed in grace for one another?  Can we correct in love, and we serve without any need to be seen?  Love without any need to be loved back?  Love when hated, and still love... because our source of love in unending, and overwhelms this place, when we live in the Christ, the Spirit, the Creator who has called us to glorify Him?  To simply glorify Him.  To simply glorify Him...  The answer is to God be the Glory.  Every single unknown piece of the puzzle settles in its perfect place in Glorifying the Father.  Unity happens if the family is glorifying the Father.  

Ephesians 4
1 Corinthians 12, 13
John 14, 15

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