Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Proverbs 27

Wounds from a friend can be trusted,
but an enemy multiplies kisses. vs.6

Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
and the pleasantness of a friend
springs from their heartfelt advice. vs.9

As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another. vs.17

Recently I have a conflict with a friend. It was heated, it was hurt-filled, it was unpleasant to have selfishness on my part be magnified. To have pride silenced and hear how blind self-centred-ness is part of my person still. It took everything in me to shut up, my own thought, the need to be right, the need to win, and listen not only to how I had offended, but how I had affected the other persons heart.

It is important in every relationship to repent after an offence has been made. This is the only way trust can then be rebuilt. God lives through us in our relationships. I was blessed to have her then tell me what a blessing through Christ ,I have been to her. I always thought that I had to do things to be a blessing. But through this conflict have learned that we can be a blessing by being, not always doing. By being everyday more and more of Who Christ has made us to be. By acting out of the place Jesus himself meets you everyday, it is an outpouring of blessing to others. It really only has to do with Us being in and through Christ.

This conflict in so many ways has been a blessing. My relationship with this person is stronger, Our significance in one another lives re-affirmed, and Christ's suggestion to work it out a glorifying testimony of our lives being lived out for Him. We need to commit to getting to the end of a conflict with our brothers and sisters. As painful as the journey might be to get there, we need to expect it this side of Heaven. Relationships come with deep hurting, heart wrenching conflict. God expects us to work it out. We are his family, and in this home we need to always work it out. It is not a suggestion, it is a command. If we are ever to gain ground here on earth, there must be conflict resolution, forgiveness.

Father let us not just do, but be a blessing to one another, and to your world. Let forgiveness reign, and do not let us do these things half way. Let us know your love for others in the fullest of ways and abide in your love, "so that they may see our good deeds, and glorify our Father in heaven."

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