Man looks at the outside, but God looks at the heart.
"Do you think I could get baptized here?" as the question hit at a public time, and in a fleeting moment this sinners heart passed over the beauty and wondered how long she would actually keep her feet wet in the youth group... let alone be baptized. Wait a bit, she needs to hear, she needs to know before such commitments can be made.
God looks at the heart, and man asks.
She stayed. She partook. She asked questions and gave answers no one else held. Her eyes quietly fixed in wonders only the fathers hand could point to. This sinner asked to see more... a reflection of Jesus, a turn from the wrong, a moment to catch the breath. This child asks, and her Heavenly father always answers.
Man asks God, God gives revelation.
"Are you still wanting to be baptized? I could do that with you at the river this summer if its something you..." and before the sentence was out, she was in... I had but a moment to hold the tears, a moment to cherish it in my heart, a moment to allow my heavenly father to gently place his index finger over my lips and hush the startled cry in me.
God gives revelation, in a burst of fresh air man must respond.
In an intrusion of questions weather or not this sinner was qualified... whether this sinner was worthy, whether there needed to be more, more done, more given, more earned... and yet grace softly blankets my dry heart anew every morning.
In a burst of fresh air man must respond, and God smiles.