“We want to be like the nations around us. Our king will judge us and lead us into battle.” (1 Samuel 8:20)
This was in regard to Israel wanting a King... Israel, Gods chosen people, set apart, on display for His glory. "We want to be like the nations around us." Being set apart for Gods glory doesn't look like being like everyone else. If you look and act like everyone else how can God display His greatness through you?
_________ Gods chosen woman, set apart, on display for His glory.
Israel wanted not only to be like the other nations around them, but to be judged based on the same people driven needs and principles. Judged by the world. No love, no foundations, no truth, however you feel, there you shall be judged. Lead into battle on what basis? Personal gain, selfish ambition, at what cost, for what?
I will take my chances being judged by a God who spun the world into place, created the laws of physics, and sent His son because of a love for his created ones.
_________ judged by her Maker.
Having people lead you to do battle is a bad idea. Into battle on what basis? Personal gain, selfish ambition, at what cost, for what? My God fights battles for me; lives ahead of me and guides me into all wisdom so the fight is not mine. He chooses which battles to engage in and which ones to let die. I will not follow others to fight battles that are not mine.
_________ chooses God to be her warrior.